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About Me

Hello! I'm Katherine.

I'm a soprano, traveller, ambitious "chef", elegance appreciator, and the proud mama of a Lutino Ringneck Parakeet named Squeaky.


A new year has begun and everyone makes resolutions, particularly weight-loss resolutions, but as resoultions go, I'm like many people-- they get lost and forgotten in the hustle and bustle of the year. I want this year to be different! Therefore, I'm making this blog to be accountable and hold up my end of the deal to myself. For years, I have been pretty unhealthy, tempted by various sweeties and other poor choices, and I know that my actions have made me the way I am now. I understand that it took years to gain the weight, and it may take years to lose it-- but if the time passes anyway, why not make healthier choices now? There is no better day to start than right this moment. So, join me in my journey to a better me! 



Armed with my Fitbit, MyFitnessPal, and this blog, I go foward in my journey to being healthy!











Feel free to send me advice or comments!

Merci! xx

Feel free to follow me on Pinterest for motivational quotes, recipes, and work out ideas!

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