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Hello lovely blog-followers! It's been awhile!

My fault entirely. With Tech week and The Tale of Lady Thi Kinh, I really got out of the habit of reporting here, but I have been following my diet on MyFitnessPal (although there wasn't as many purely healthy eating days as I had when I was writing it down here for everyone to see!). I may drop the Food/Exercise Diary for y'all because it's boring for me to copy/paste from MyFitnessPal to here and I bet it's boring for y'all to read. So, best of both worlds. I will still be posting updates though, so stick around for awhile!

Also, I have a new gym buddy, Melissa, who kicks my bum! I've made a policy to myself and her that I will never say "No" when she suggests working out... so I've been working out everyday since I told her that...

So. Much. Muscle. Pain.

I'm used to just doing cardio on the ellipticle and the bike with some reps on the weight machines in my gym, but she LOVES DVDs, such as Jillian Michaels and P90X. I totally get it though, they are GREAT workouts. Really working my muscles and not just my heart. We also have plans to do Zumba today and tomorrow (and I LOVE Zumba, so I'm totally okay with that!).

ALSO, quick weigh-in before I'm off to my zumba class tonight...

I have lost...

2 lbs

for a grand total of...

15 lbs

since the beginning of the year!

Even Professor Kubiak thinks that I look like I've lost weight now! She told me so today in my voice lesson!

(although, could be my new awesome workout gear... which is quite slimming.)

Thanks again for the on-going support! I've had lots of people come up to me and say that they've been following the blog and are proud of me. Makes me feel like I'm doing the right thing here!

Much Love xx

Hello! I'm Katherine...

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